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Mind over matter: how to achieve our goals

Updated: Apr 4, 2020

When you set yourself a goal it is important to consider how you talk to yourself. Only you can achieve your goals and if we are true to ourselves we know that we are usually the main barrier when not achieving them. In this article we will explore how you can learn to refocus your mind and perspective in order to help achieve your goals for your home and in everyday life.

It's fair to say that we set goals for ourselves all the time, at work, at home and even at the gym. Do we always achieve what we want to with the goals we set ourselves? If you do then you’re doing an amazing job and please comment explaining the achievements you’re the most proud of, how you achieved them, describe any barriers you faced along the way and how you overcame them.

Perseverance is usually key to any success. We don’t learn a new skill overnight and we would never expect to be able to retrain our brains to work in a more effective way in a day either. It takes time, effort and desire to want to improve ourselves and work on our goals both in our lives and in our homes. The rewards for doing this far outweigh any barriers we have to overcome.

House Proud Solutions specialise in helping people; overcome issues with decluttering; learn bespoke home organisation techniques tailored to their lifestyles and how to redesign spaces and interiors in homes either for home staging or for the home owners to enjoy. We can transfer these skills to help advise you on what could be holding you back from achieving your goals whether they are for your home or in your personal lives.

Why don’t we achieve our personal goals as much as our professional goals?

Most of the time if we are set a goal at work we achieve it as someone is holding us to account and let's face it if we don't achieve what we have been set we are likely to be questioned about it and face consequences. At home or in our leisure time, we are the ones holding ourselves to account and usually there's no consequence if we don't achieve something in the time frame we had in mind. Let me give an example. That pile of paperwork that sits in the corner of our room (we all have one I'm sure) it keeps on growing and usually it's not until we need to locate a specific piece of paperwork that we decide to tackle it. Why? The simple answer to this is usually because we have more exciting things to do with our days and we don't have to do it so why should we? If we don't sort out the paper work as soon as it comes through our doors and file it straight away, no one will tell us off so we don't. We leave it and it becomes the 'leaning tower of paperwork!' No one is saying you can't carry on like this, you absolutely can and if it doesn't bother you then there's no issue. If you're like me however and that pile of paperwork plays in the back of your mind as of a virtual list of things you must do but never quite get round to doing, then it's taking up valuable space in your mind daily. So it really is mind over matter and if the stuff in your life is preventing you from freeing up your mind to tackle the more important goals and tasks you've set yourself. It's only then we realise the importance in taking steps to sort out the things cluttering our mind to help us to free it up to achieve our goals.

How our inner voice impacts on our ability to achieve our goals…

We talk to ourselves tens of thousands a time a day. We tend to focus on what we've not achieved and our inner voice is not always the most kind or understanding. A great rule of thumb for self-correction when talking to yourself is to imagine you are talking to a loved one and how you'd talk to them. Treat yourself with the same love, care and understanding and you'll be amazed at how much more you'll achieve. After all we all want to be praised and respected and achieve more when we feel valued.

How to change my approach to help achieve my goals...

True leaders practise the three R's: Respect for self, Respect for others and Responsibility for their actions. If you want to be a great leader in achieving your goals you need to always show yourself the respect you deserve. One way to do this is to list the things you want to achieve each day, a checklist if you like, tick each one off as you achieve it. If you don't achieve any that day, review the task and see if you can carry if forward to the next day, evaluate like you would at work. If you can't achieve it by the next day or days ask yourself were you being fair in what you expected of yourself in the time frame given? If the answer is no, adjust your plan. If the answer is yes, re-set your target to achieve it and hold yourself accountable. Respect for others is fairly self-explanatory but an extension of this is to know when to recognise other's strengths and ask for help where you need to in order to achieve your goals. This doesn't mean get someone else to do all the work for you, for example if you have a very talented friend at photography and one of your home goals is to have an amazing family portrait but your funds don't stretch to paying for one that month, offer an exchange of skills for the help to achieve that goal. What could you do for your friend for her to take that amazing picture you’ve always wanted?

There is always more than one way to achieve a goal. These simple steps will help you.

1. Be clear on what you want to achieve.

2. Set a timetable for each goal, a deadline if you like.

3. Hold yourself accountable but remember to be kind to yourself.

4. Praise yourself for the things you achieve, be proud.

5. Reflect on your goals and set new ones in order to keep progressing.

We hope this has helped you to refocus your mind and start achieving your goals. If you would like any further advice or assistance with your goals for your home please get in touch.

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